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ICoreApi Methods

The ICoreApi type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddAccount
Adds new account.
Public methodAddAccountAsync
Adds the account asynchronously.
Public methodAddPackageExtensionForAccount
Adds the package extension for account. All settings defined in propertySettings of ProvisioningPackageExtension will override service settings.
Public methodAddPackageForAccount
Adds the package instance for account.
Public methodAddPackageForAccountAsync
Adds the package instance for account.
Public methodAddService
Add service for current user. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodAddServiceAsync
Add service for current user asynchronously. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodAddServiceAsyncStart
Add service for current user asynchronously. Only root service (without children) will be added to database. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodBeginProvisioningRequest
Begins provisioning request.
Public methodBindServiceToAccount
Binds the service to the specified account.
Public methodCallOperation
Calls specific operation for service.
Public methodCallOperationAsync
Calls specific operation for service asynchronously.
Public methodCancelProvisioningRequest
Cancels provisioning request.
Public methodChangePackage
Changes the given package to new package, name of which is defined in newPackageName. Throws exception if package change fails.
Public methodCreateService
Creates a service structure with specific name, for given user. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodDeleteAccount
Deletes the account with given id.
Public methodDeletePackageExtensionForAccount
Deletes the package extension for account. Call to this method will fail if there are more service provisioned then possible without this extension and forceDelete flag is not set. All settings defined in propertySettings of ProvisioningPackage will be applyed to current existing services.
Public methodDeletePackageExtensionForAccountAsync
Deletes the package extension for account. Call to this method will fail if there are more service provisioned then possible without this extension and forceDelete flag is not set. All settings defined in propertySettings of ProvisioningPackage will be applyed to current existing services.
Public methodDeletePackageForAccount
Deletes the package for specific account. Deletion will fail if package contains any provisioned services and forceDelete flag is not set.
Public methodDeletePackageForAccountAsync
Deletes the package for specific account asynchrony. Deletion will fail if package contains any provisioned services and forceDelete flag is not set.
Public methodDeleteService
Deletes service for current user. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodDeleteServiceAsync
Deletes service for current user asynchronously. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodDisablePackage
Disables the specified package instance.
Public methodDisablePackageAsync
Disables the specified package instance.
Public methodEcho
Echoes the specified message.
Public methodEnablePackage
Enables the package instance.
Public methodEnablePackageAsync
Enables the package instance.
Public methodEndProvisioningRequest
Ends provisioning request.
Public methodEndProvisioningRequestAsync
Ends provisioning request asynchronously.
Public methodFindNumberOfServicesByPath
Finds the number of services by path for each given criteria.
Public methodFindServicesByNamesForAccount
Finds all services with specfied names in one account
Public methodFindServicesByPath
Finds the services using given paths.
Public methodFindServicesByPathWithPaging
Finds the services by given paths with paging support.
Public methodGetAccount
Gets the account with given account id.
Public methodGetChildServiceLimitCount
Gets the child service limitations for child service with specified serviceName.
Public methodGetDirectProvisioningServiceById
Gets the direct provisioning service by id.
Public methodGetGlobalAddingPossibilities
Gets the global adding possibilities for given service names.
Public methodGetLogicalServicesForPhysicalServiceId
Gets the list of logical services for each physical service id specified.
Public methodGetNumberOfServicesForAccount
Finds the number of services with specified name for given account.
Public methodGetNumberOfServicesForPackage
Finds the number of services with specified name for given account and packge.
Public methodGetPackageAddingPossibilities
Gets the adding possibilities for given service names within a specified package.
Public methodGetParentService
Gets the parent service for given service.
Public methodGetPossibleServicesForProperty
Gets the possible services for property.
Public methodGetProvisioningRequestsByStatusAndTime
Gets the provisioning requests.
Public methodGetProvisioningRequestStatus
Gets the provisioning request status.
Public methodGetServiceById
Gets the provisioning service with specific id.
Public methodIsPossibleToChangePackage
Determines whether it is possible to change package for an account.
Public methodIsPossibleToDeletePackageExtension
Determines whether is possible to delete package extension.
Public methodListAccounts
Lists all accounts in the system.
Public methodListAccountsWithPagination
Lists the accounts with pagination.
Public methodListAvailablePackageExtensions
Lists the available package extensions for specific package.
Public methodListAvailablePackages
Lists available packages in the system.
Public methodListExistingDirectProvisioningServices
Lists existing direct provisioned services for given parent service.
Public methodListExistingServices
Lists existing child services for given parent service, paginated.
Public methodListLogs
Returns the log records for an account.
Public methodListPackagesForAccount
Lists packages owned by the specified account.
Public methodCode exampleListPossibleServices
Lists services which can be added as child service to the specified parent service, for given account. If parentService is null returns available root services.
Public methodListServiceOperations
Lists all operations available for specific service.
Public methodModifyAccount
Modifies the account and it's properties.
Public methodModifyService
Modify existing service and it's properties. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodModifyServiceAsync
Modify existing service and it's properties asynchronously. If operation fails exception will be thrown.
Public methodRemoveOldDeletedPackages
Removes old deleted packages.
Public methodRemoveOldDeletedServices
Removes old deleted services.
Public methodRemoveOldProvisioningRequests
Removes old provisioning requests.
Public methodSwitchService
Switches one service with another one. Throws exception if switch fails.
Public methodUpdatePackageExtensionLimitations
Updates the package extension limitations.
Public methodUpdatePackageExtensionLimitationsAsync
Updates the package extension limitations.
See Also