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ICoreApiChannel Events

The ICoreApiChannel type exposes the following members.

Public eventClosed
Occurs when the communication object completes its transition from the closing state into the closed state.
(Inherited from ICommunicationObject.)
Public eventClosing
Occurs when the communication object first enters the closing state.
(Inherited from ICommunicationObject.)
Public eventFaulted
Occurs when the communication object first enters the faulted state.
(Inherited from ICommunicationObject.)
Public eventOpened
Occurs when the communication object completes its transition from the opening state into the opened state.
(Inherited from ICommunicationObject.)
Public eventOpening
Occurs when the communication object first enters the opening state.
(Inherited from ICommunicationObject.)
Public eventUnknownMessageReceived
This is a reserved event.
(Inherited from IClientChannel.)
See Also