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ScheduledTask Properties

The ScheduledTask type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClassName
Gets or sets the class name of the scheduled task.
Public propertyCronSchedule
Gets or sets a cron style schedule.
Public propertyDataObject
Gets or sets the data object.
Public propertyExpiresAfter
Gets or sets the expires after.
Public propertyFinished
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this ScheduledTask is finished.
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the task id.
Public propertyLastRunTime
Gets or sets the last run time.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the scheduled task.
Public propertyNextRunTime
Gets or sets the next run time.
Public propertyPeriod
Gets or sets the period.
Public propertyRunOnce
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [run once].
Public propertySkipHolidays
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip holidays].
Public propertySkipWeekend
Gets or sets a value indicating whether [skip weekend].
See Also