Atomia Identity

13 March 2017, Version 17.3.6281

Table of Contents

1. Structure
2. Atomia Identity - Overview
2.1. Description
2.2. Environment
3. Atomia Identity - Installation
3.1. System Requirements
3.2. Firewall requirements
3.3. System and domain accounts requirements
3.4. Installation
3.5. Installation troubleshooting
4. Atomia Identity - Configuration
4.1. About
4.2. Atomia Identity (STS) Authentication architecture
4.3. Configuring WCF to use Identity STS authentication
4.4. Authenticating user to use web application to the web application using sign-in form with username and password
4.5. Configuring STS to allow clients certificate based authentication
4.6. Configuring WCF to allow clients certificate based authentication
4.7. Identity delegation
5. Atomia Identity - Updates
6. Atomia Identity - API Reference
6.1. AddRole
6.2. AddUser
6.3. AddUsersToRoles
6.4. DeleteRole
6.5. FindByProperty
6.6. FindUsersByEmail
6.7. FindUsersByName
6.8. FindUsersInRole
6.9. GetAllRoles
6.10. GetAllUsers
6.11. GetRolesForUser
6.12. GetUser
6.13. GetUserNameByEmail
6.14. GetUsersInRole
6.15. ModifyAtomiaUser
6.16. ModifyPassword
6.17. RemoveUser
6.18. RemoveUserFromRole
6.19. ValidateUser
7. Atomia Identity - Identity SDK
8. Atomia Identity - Usage
8.1. Usage
8.2. Code examples
9. Atomia Identity - Technical information
10. Atomia Identity - FAQ
11. Atomia Identity - Release log
12. Atomia Identity - Roadmap
13. Atomia Identity - License