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IAtomiaBillingApiGetOrderStatusPriorities Method

Gets the priority of the order statuses. This priority indicates the precedence of the per-item order statuses for orders containing multiple items where some have different status. Example: An order contains one item with PlacementOK and one with ManualReviewWanted and this method returns ManualReviewWanted as higher priority than PlacementOK. This scenario means that the entire order initially will get the status ManualReviewWanted.

Namespace:  Atomia.Billing.Core.Sdk
Assembly:  Atomia.Billing.Core.Sdk (in Atomia.Billing.Core.Sdk.dll) Version: 18.10.7096.28998
Dictionary<int, int> GetOrderStatusPriorities()

Return Value

Type: DictionaryInt32, Int32
Dictionary with result where key is order status and value is priority of that status.
See Also